Growing Desert Marigolds

Growing Desert Marigolds

Baileya multiradiata is a North American species of sun-loving wildflowers native to the deserts of northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States including our own state of Arizona. Although called a desert marigold, it is only a remote relative of the true marigolds of the genus Tagetes. Baileya multiradiata is a short-lived perennial to annual that forms a clumping patch of silvery-green foliage which bears many tall, naked stems,…

Therapeutic Gardening In Trying Times

Therapeutic Gardening In Trying Times

With many people self-isolating at the moment because of COVID-19 – your attention may be turning to making the most out of your garden. Here are some top tips to help you relax and make your garden look beautiful at the same time! Order summer-flowering bulbs and seeds now. Have a general tidy up, removing…

Cactus and Succulent Care

Saving A Dying Cactus

Most people who buy and tend cacti love them.  When they get sick it’s upsetting as they’ve likely been around for years.  Use these steps to help save a dying cactus at your home or business. Read on to learn more. Cut Rotting Parts Away Rotting is generally a sign of overwatering.  The black or…

Gardening Tips for October 2024 In Arizona

Cactus Drooping Causes

Four factors impact the survival of cacti when you are caring for them: Too much or too little water Too much or too little light Pests Temperature fluctuation All four of these (and sometimes a mixture of more than one) will strain your cactus causing odd behavior. Cacti are really succulent and hardy plants needing…

Growing Indoor Cactus Plants

Growing Indoor Cactus Plants

Although Arizona is renowned for its enormous natural outdoor population of cactus -a cactus can also thrive brilliantly indoors under the correct conditions. The two types of cacti that do well indoors are the desert cacti and the forest cacti. Both are capable of blossoming beautiful looking blooms but they grow in very different ways.…

Best Time To Plant Fruit trees In Arizona

Best Time To Plant Fruit Trees In Arizona

The Climate of Arizona is ideal for growing a variety of beautiful fruit trees that produce wonderful, tasty fruit the entire year. The experts at AP Nursery can help you select ideal trees for your growing conditions but read on to learn more about selecting the best deciduous fruit trees for the Arizona climate. Understanding…

Cactus and Succulent Care

Cactus & Succulent Care

If you are searching for “cactus care”, this post by A&P Nursery can help point you in the right direction. Cacti and succulents are very common houseplant nowadays. They come in a wide range of shapes and sizes from the petite to the grandiose. Cacti and succulents fall into the same category because they both…