Gardening Tips for September 2024 In Arizona

Gardening Tips for August In Arizona 2024

Gardening in August in Arizona requires special attention due to the extreme heat. Here are some tips to help your garden thrive during this challenging month: Watering Deep Watering: Ensure plants receive deep watering to encourage roots to grow deeper. Water early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation. Check Irrigation…

Maintaining Flowers in July in Arizona

Maintaining Flowers in July in Arizona

aintaining flowers in the extreme heat of July in Arizona requires special attention and care. Here are some tips to help your flowers thrive: Watering Deep Watering: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Shallow watering can lead to weak root systems. Timing: Water early in the morning or late in the evening…

Maintaining Flowers in July in Arizona

June 2024 Arizona Gardening Tips

June is probably the most difficult period for many plants because of the long days, high temperatures, and low humidity. Ineffective water management is the number one cause of death of landscape plants in the Valley, and, believe it or not, it is more frequently from over watering than under watering. You can reduce your…

Gardening Tips for September 2024 In Arizona

Gardening Tips for September In Arizona

Here are some gardening tips for September in Arizona: Plant cool-season vegetables. September is a great time to plant cool-season vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, and spinach. These vegetables can tolerate the cooler temperatures in September and will be ready to harvest in the fall. Start seeds indoors for fall crops. If you want to…

Gardening Tips for September 2024 In Arizona

Gardening Tips for August In Arizona

Here are some gardening tips for August in Arizona: Water deeply and less often. The heat of August can cause plants to dry out quickly, so it is important to water deeply and less often. This will help to prevent the roots from rotting. Mulch around your plants. Mulch helps to keep the soil cool and moist,…

Maintaining Flowers in July in Arizona

July 2022 Arizona Gardening Tips

Tip of The Month Had trouble with fungi or nematodes in your garden? This is the time to take care of them. Prepare the bed for fall planting now. Add fertilizer and organic matter, water, and then cover with a large piece of at least 4 mil clear plastic (an old shower curtain works great). Use…

Maintaining Flowers in July in Arizona

June 2022 Arizona Gardening Tips

June is probably the most difficult period for many plants because of the long days, high temperatures, and low humidity. Ineffective water management is the number one cause of death of landscape plants in the Valley, and, believe it or not, it is more frequently from over watering than under watering. You can reduce your…

What To Plant In December & Gardening Tips

December 2021 Gardening Tips

Is it cold weather yet? The very first half of December is considered to be mild, but the cold weather may hit hard during the second part of the month. Any type of frost sensitive plants that are in containers need to be brought in to be covered. You want to make sure that you…